Building the brewery

This is where I’m going to detail the building of my home brewery. As I get to know a little more about wordpress I shall be altering the structure of these pages to better suit my purpose. Plans I have at the moment are for a section on the build, a section of the brewing and a section on the beer drinking.

I’ve started to collect the stuff I need for the build, and have ordered other bits. As I get more organised, I’ll post pictures of the bits and the build, along with an inventory of parts and links to the suppliers I use.

One link I will put up now though, is a link to Jim’s Beer Kit which is a home brew forum where most of the knowledge I am gleaning is coming from. I’d recomend it to anyone who is either home brewing or thinking of home brewing, no question seems to be too stupid and you will nearly always receive at least one answer. All in all, a very friendly forum.

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